Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy..

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Has someone ever called you, naive for your belief in Christ?

Have they ever said that your belief was a crutch?

Far too many times, we hear such antagonistic responses to our faith simply because, as the Word of GOD testified in 1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

At the same time such an awesome privilege and an awesome burden, is this amazing journey form death to life everlasting.

Naive as defined in Websters as 1 : marked by unaffected simplicity : ARTLESS, INGENUOUS2 a : deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment;

How amazing is the definition, "deficient in worldly wisdom" coming from the world this is somehow not surprising that we must have their wisdom to be counted among the informed and wise.
My friends I am proud to be naive and I am proud that the children I am raising are going to be naive as well. We should count it as blessing and give thanks each time we are reminded of our simplicity.

Have they ever said that your belief was a crutch?

For, could man alone bear this tremendous weight? You see life as a Christian is not a life with a crutch, but more a life with a burden. It comes with the most awesome burden for our brothers and sisters; when they are in need or are hurting, then we feel that need or hurt as our very own. Now, while most anybody could sympathize with that, even more burdensome is a lost and darkened world that is ruled by evil. These are burdens that no one but a Christian is even capable of bearing, let alone understanding.

This, the heaviest of these burdens in the Christian life, they cannot even begin to grasp. It is plain to see why, that those with the blinders of this world can say and even think these thoughts to be rational.

Very seldom in any discussion, that there is zero accomplished. No matter the conversation, someone will leave it with a little different view than that which they came to the table with.
This is why it so imperative as we go through our days, that we keep the Word of GOD foremost in our hearts and minds and on our very lips.


Father in all our ways, may we confirm, all Your ways, LORD be it through our lives, with our words and our speech. LORD, from the way we raise your children, that you have entrusted us with, to the Ministries that you are equipping us for. GOD we know that the Christian life is not as easy as this dying world thinks it is, so give us each day the fortitude to bring your light to this world. Father for me, I would much rather carry these burdens with joy and a heart growing toward righteousness than spend one minute without you and your love. LORD GOD Almighty, you are my savior and I pray that I am always obedient to your will and longing to know you more, LORD thirsty for your words and wisdom. It is in the Name of JESUS, I pray Amen!