Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The 5 Steps!

Well, it has been a long time since my last post and I thought that while I am taking a break from my sermon preparation for this Sunday's message, I would share with you a nice tool that I use for my personal studies, for Lesson planning and for my sermon prep.

We have all heard about 12 step programs for this and for that, and as long as Christ is the First Step, then I am OK with most plans of that sort. However, these 5 steps are not part of a recovery plan, or are they.

This is a tool to help you stay focused on God's Word, and to help you make sure that you are always letting scripture speak for its self and that you are not relying on someone else to give you the meaning of the text. Likewise, this is a great tool to check what you are being taught. Maybe there is just a point of contention; or someone is trying to persuade you to his or her belief and you are just not sure. Well, this tool with elbow grease applied can help.
As you go through each step, it is very important that you do not skip ahead, remember that when one mines for the purest ore or rarest diamonds, there is protocol, procedure, and it requires intentional hard work!

As you work each step in order, you will find yourself getting deeper into the text, in the genre, in the world and language of the Biblical writers. All the while you are getting such an awesome, inspiring, up close and personal view, that not only can, but will change your studies, understanding of the Word and with some time even your life.

Step 1, Survey the Background, this is where you find out, who is writing, where they wrote, to whom are they writing and the like. Here the only intention is to find out information about the players. You might find that Matthew wrote his Gospel before 70 AD and it was likely written in Antioch or Palestine, and that it s genre is a gospel, and that he wrote for primarily a Jewish audience. These are the types of thing your looking for in this step.

Step 2, Examine the Context, this is where you dig in a little more and begin to find out the setting of the passage you are looking at, from the previous step, you may have been looking in Matthew chapter 5, at the sermon on the mount, here you find out Jesus is teaching, He is message is oriented in instructing about life as a disciple, life as a believer in the World, and our personal relationships and how we are to live.

Step 3, Analyze the Grammar, simply put this is looking at the relationship between the words of the text. You are looking for the important key words/instructions, verbs, nouns, phrases, clauses etc.

Step 4, Define the Words, here you get back to the original language whether Greek or Hebrew and find the definitions. Here you will be so surprised how many teachers today will use today's definition, when more times than not, this just does not fly with the "AIM" Author's Intended Meaning.

And lastly;

Step 5, Consult the Commentaries, this is a way to make sure that you or the teaching you are checking on is not out in left field, peddling a message outside the intended message of scripture.

You see, many teachers out there today will try to sell you the easy-believism, the idea that we are just fine the way we are and that all we need to do is, “just believe” or that God only wants to bless you and increase your fortune, if you just sow a little seed of faith. BEFORE YOU BUY, SELL IT OR BELIEVE IT, DIG IT OUT FOR YOURSELF AND SEE IF YOU ARE HEARING THE TRUTH!

My task is not to beat you over the head, my task is to educate you and speak, teach, preach the truth, and that is it, (disclaimer... this is very over stated, my task is much greater but for my purpose here, and to keep this post manageable, this is a sufficient representation of my task.)

Well, time has come and I must return to my sermon, I pray that you will find this tool most useful in your day-to-day studies of the scriptures, and that it will likewise prove most useful in your ability to ward of the flaming arrows of the false teachers, who are already among us.

So, I guess this may just be a recovery program for those who have strayed from the path of diligent study of the scriptures, well may the Lord bless your studies and I will try to share more tools as time allows.

In His Service, For His Glory!
