Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy..

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I am ever so amazed at the complexity of God, I have been preaching at this church for the last four weeks, and had applied at the church as their minister retired at the end of May, well they narrowed it down to two men, myself and a dear brother who I greatly admire. Well, today they had a congregational vote, and I am the new minister. It is so strange, that is what we came here for to become equipped to be ministers of the Gospel. So, today as I sit here and write I am amazed, amazed at a life transformed by the Power of God, amazed that while I once was so many horrid things, now I am a minister of the Gospel and am now responsible for a flock.

Lord, I said send me, and you did, Lord I said I am willing and You have given these people to me, Lord I said that I wanted You to use my life both old and new, to make a difference in this world and today we begin a new chapter of our life. Lord may I honor You above all and always use these opportunities to bring Glory to You, and may I be Salt and Light, and always yielded to Your will.

Lord Thank You and now that You have brought me here, I am looking forward to the work that You have prepared for us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who Really Killed Goliath?

I subscribe to Bible Study Magazine and they have an interactive side as well. While you get the printed publication you also get the cool advantage that only Logos could offer, web content. This month, they have a very interesting article on who really killed Goliath. There seems to be a manuscript variance that can cause what seems to be a contradiction, equip yourself today and find out more by reading the whole article.

Goliath & the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament -- at BibleStudyMagazine.com