Brothers and sisters this is a very disturbing topic, Biblical Illiteracy is a huge cancer not only in our world, it is also very prevalent in our churches. There are a lot of churches that are dying, homes that are wrecked, lives that are faltering, and the reality is that this very problem “Biblical Illiteracy” is likely the major contributor to the all the rampant immorality in our midst.
Well, I guess I need to ask the question; Are you Biblically Illiterate?
I want to encourage you to take to heart the reality of this message; your eternity will depend on your answers to some very powerful questions that will be asked of you.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Biblical Illiteracy, its Results and its Cure
Written by Steven on Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Who is Jesus?
The whole of the Bible is the revelation of the story of God’s love for the human race. It is amazing when you study the scriptures and discover that from before the foundation of the world Jesus has been working, either in the creation of all that is, or He has been being revealed in and through various Old Testament figures, such as Job, or Moses. In the New Testament you have men life Simeon who longed for the revelation of Jesus and was promised that he would not see death until as he put it “the Salvation of God is revealed” and it was in Jesus.
Beyond the question of Who Jesus is, lies two more prevalent question that are birthed from knowing who Jesus is and they are; What does know who Jesus is mean to me? And What do I do whit Jesus now that I know who He is?
I guess for me the most important realization of who Jesus is manifests itself in these two statements.
Jesus is the Love of God
Jesus is the Heart of God
Well you can check out the message here
Written by Steven on Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Dying Without Regret
I am just in awe at the wonder working power of God, maybe I am just easy to amaze but God is just doing some amazing work in our midst. I want to just share this, it is just so amazing, but several weeks ago, I got some visitor information cards for the church and began to pray over them and distribute them in the pews, that same day we had two visitors that have been pretty regular attendees since, and today we five more visitors, God is so faithful and so good, and I am so thankful for all He is doing in our midst.
This week we looked at 2 Timothy chapter 4, and this was a very different sermon for me and while I normally flesh out a fair amount of my sermon here, instead I want to ask you the reader the same questions I asked of my congregation and then encourage you to go and listen to the sermon for yourself.
Do you have any regrets about the way you have lived your life?
What about the things you have done or have not done?
How about this are there any regrets in any of your relationships, ones you have currently or ones that are strained or broken?
How about any regrets with the way you have raised your children?
Within your marriage, have you done things, said things that you regret?
If you answered yes to any of these then I would encourage you check out this weeks message
Written by Steven on Sunday, September 06, 2009